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Sunday, August 3, 2008

Seattle's Space Needle is my Eiffel Tower

It must be something about the dynamics of being 605 ft in the sky, over viewing the entire Seattle skyline, that makes you feel ready to proclaim your inner most feelings to the entire city. I certainly can attest to these emotions and my quiet proclamation that I didn't necessarily want to share. (Just yet!). However, I did and let it be known that the Space Needle will always be considered my Eiffel Tower.

Our entire Seattle mini-vacation was created to visit this landmark place. Our hotel room was nearly two blocks from the Needle. To our disappointment, our hotel room almost had the perfect view from the bedroom, but it was blocked by a covered driveway to protect visitors from the relentless Seattle rain. Yes, we all know Seattle is overcast and dreary and not even the rainiest city in the nation. Luckily for us, we got to see Seattle on a sunny day.

The Space Needle is a cool place with a certain vibe in the air. You can't help but look for it where ever you are. Whether you taking a harbor cruise on Argosy Cruises, at the Farmers Market, buying coffee at the original Starbucks or up the hill at Porter's house, while in Seattle you will be looking for the iconic landmark where ever you visit.

The journey up the Needle only takes 43 seconds and once you get to the top, you will be enamored by the incredible vista. The 360 degree Observation Deck allows you to see Seattle in all its magnificence. You will be able see Mount Rainer just right of the downtown skyline. You will have an aerial view of Elliott Bay, the harbor that Argosy Cruises passes through. Photos are incredible here. The only drawback to taking photos is the wires and the cables that protect lunatics and daredevils from jumping off. If you buy the Space Needle DVD, you will see how visitors had an unobstructed view unlike today.

A great compliment to the incredible views is the interactive and informative displays around the observation deck called the SkyQ. The SkyQ is made up of five kiosks that offer a truly hands-on way to explore Seattle on an entirely new level. One cool interactive display is to see a minute-by-minute, 360 degree panoramic view of Seattle. By merely rotating a dial, you can see the entire city move and function from the Space Needle's vantage point. This definitely is cool for any age group.

Also, along the walls are intriguing facts and old images detailing the Space Needle's history. You can see images of the construction of the Needle. You may also read about its cost, purpose and other important facts. Don't be in a hurry, be ready experience everything on the observation deck. This makes for longer memories and a deeper connection to the landmark itself.

Go ahead and splurge, get the Day/Night pass and see the Space Needle during the day and at night. It is well worth the extra $4 dollars.

Souvenirs are abundant at the SpaceBase. There are hundreds of items to choose from including: Space Needle figurines, pens, magnets, key chains, shirts, hats and hundreds of other items. For us, the DVD was the coolest and must have at the souvenir shop. We enjoyed see the Space Needle circa 1962 and watching it being built.

My favorite souvenir from the Space Needle will always be the memories and the photo taken by Jaime, the coolest dude. He got on the ground to take a picture of us with the Space Needle in the background. Jaime and Porter, you guys rock!

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Blogger Cat said...

Thanks for sharing your experience at the Space Needle. Sounds like you had a great time. You are right - it is amazing to see it during the day and at night. Looks like you have some great photos too!

August 3, 2008 at 1:08 PM  

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